Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mysterious UFO Crashes Into the Ottawa River

Mysterious UFO Crashes Into the Ottawa River Monday Night, is it true ?
“There's nothing in the river for us to find in terms of an airplane or helicopter or something that went down (Monday) night,” Ottawa police Const. Alain Boucher said Tuesday afternoon. “We're still looking into what could have caused this. There's a number of reasons this could have happened. We'll be looking into that in the next couple of days.”
source http://www.wellandtribune.ca Meanwhile http://www.inquisitr.com reported :
Dozens of residents of Canada’s capital city, Ottawa Ontario and nearby Gatineau, Que., witnessed an object streak across the night sky at about 10pm local time Monday night and crash into the Ottawa River with a “thunderous boom.” The object had lights on it and appeared to change course several times, like a small plane struggling to stay airborn, before it hit the water.
ufo, ufo crashes ottawa river

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